woodcrafts by erik armbruster

Custom designs. Hand-picked hardwoods. Cosmetic home projects. Misc home and restaurant goods.

A small one-man business run out of the garage of our family home. It all started with simple projects around the house where Erik discovered a passion for quality wood work. His meticulous nature pushed him deep into the world of youtube, internet, and local experts to discover what doing things “right” meant and encouraged him to fill the house with beautiful furniture, shelving, boxes, and gameboards. He has since grown in his ability (and tool collection) and has begun sharing this talent with others.

After 12 years in the Austin service industry, Erik is ready to retire into his passions and share his craft with the community at large. Erik’s mission is to bring quality craftsmanship to a wide variety of niche projects for businesses and individuals around Austin. While making beautiful chopping blocks, boxes, and gameboards will always be fun, Erik’s dream is to move away from the Etsy-style quick grabs and work more closely with clients on personal and creatively challenging projects. He has a particular soft spot for his service industry family and loves working on pieces for chefs and small fixtures for FOH operations.

Keep up with Erik on social media to see his recent works and find him at local markets.
Check out current inventory on this site - if you are interested in a piece, message Erik on instagram!

Cheers from the Armbruster Family - Erik, Oshá, & Goose